Collective Biographies of Women
An Annotated Bibliography
Alison Booth
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Results found: 60, page: 2/3
110. Brickdale, Eleanor Fortescue.
Golden Book of Famous Women.
11. Adams, William Henry Davenport
Some Historic Women; or, Biographical Studies of Women Who Have Made History.
214. Daffan, Katie.
Woman in History.
281. Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, Dame.
Five Famous French Women.
360. Hale, Sarah Josepha [Buell].
Lessons from Women's Lives.
Lives of Celebrated Women.
579. Montgomery, Lucy Maud, Marion Keith [i.e., Mary Esther Miller MacGregor], and Mabel Burns McKinley.
Courageous Women.
448. James, G[eorge] P[ayne] R[ainsford],
Memoirs of Celebrated Women.
570. Michael, Charles D.
Heroines: True Tales of Brave Women: A Book for British Girls.
734. Snell, Frederick John. Margaret Tarrant.
The Girlhood of Famous Women.
325. Gilmore, Rose Long.
Davidson County Women in the World War, 1914-1919.
164. [Charles, Elizabeth Rundle].
Sketches of the Women of Christendom By the Author of “Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta Family.”
311. Galley, Lucile Vessot.
Famous Women: Character Representation— An Historic Entertainment.
569. Meyers, Robert Cornelius V.
World-Famous Women: Types of Heroism, Beauty and Influence Including the Life, and Diamond Jubilee of Victoria Sixty Years a Queen.
619. P[ardon], G[eorge] F[rederick].
Illustrious Women Who Have Distinguished Themselves for Virtue, Piety and Benevolence.
698. Sanderson, Edgar, and John Porter Lamberton, John McGovern, Joseph Morgan Rogers, Laurence E. Greene, et al.
Famous Women.
373. Hamilton, Cicely Mary.
A Pageant of Great Women.
624. Parton, James.
Daughters of Genius: A Series of Sketches of Authors, Artists, Reformers, and Heroines, Queens, Princesses, and Women of Society, Women Eccentric and Peculiar, from the Most Recent and Authentic Sources.
8. Adams, William Henry Davenport
Child-Life and Girlhood of Remarkable Women: A Series of Chapters from Female Biography.
9. Adams, William Henry Davenport
Exemplary Women: A Record of Feminine Virtues and Achievements.
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